Junior Theater Festival 2026 Auditions

We had a fantastic time at Junior Theater Festival 2025! Our troupe took home the award for Excellence in Acting! If you want to join us for next year, auditions are April

Please sign up below for auditions for Firefly’s JTF Troupe. This is Firefly Theatrical’s advanced troupe and admittance into this competition group will be by audition only. The students will train and perform a cut from Descendants for the Junior Theater Festival taking place on January 16-18, 2026. The will perform the full show on August 15-16, 2025.

What is JTF? — The Junior Theater Festival (JTF) is an annual conference of 6,800 students and directors from youth theatre companies across the world! Every troupe shares a 15-minute cut from a junior musical for adjudication with awards being given on the final day. Participants also take workshops in singing, dancing, and acting plus see interviews and performances with Broadway performers and famous musical composers. Parents can come as well; we need a chaperone for every four students. Parents will pay the $350 ticket fee for the weekend conference (and food and hotel if they so choose). (If we don’t get enough parent chaperones, everyone will pay a small chaperone fee so we can bring more Firefly staff members to be chaperones.)

Auditions: Please sign up for a one-hour time slot to sing (4-5 pm or 6-7 pm). Everyone will need to attend the dance call from 5-6 pm. Be prepared to sing a one-minute cut from a pop/rock song (think Disney Channel). Please bring jazz shoes (tennis shoes are also fine for the audition but student will need black jazz shoes for the festival).

Details and Registration

Grades 6-12

Auditions: April 27th, 2025 - 4-7 pm (sing 4-5 or 6-7 and everyone at dance call 5-6 pm)

Rehearsals: Thursdays 7-9 pm and Saturdays 10am - noon, May 31 - Aug 9.

Tech Week: August 11-14, 6-10 pm

Performances: August 15 (7 pm) and 16 (2pm and 7 pm)

Festival cut rehearsals: Saturdays 1:30-3:30 pm, Sept 6, 2025 - Jan 10, 2026 (off Sep 20, Nov 22, Dec 27; on Oct 25 and Dec 20, rehearsal is 10 am - noon)

Tech week for JTF: Jan 12-15, 6-9 pm

Performance for family and friends: Jan 15, 8 pm

Festival: January 16-18, 2026

Cost: TBA