Get an Ad in Our Programs

If you’d like to advertise with us for our show - Puffs (Jan 31-Feb 2) - select your ad size below and
then send artwork files (PDF, TIF, or HIGH QUALITY JPG) to Or we can design one for you.

Deadline to submit payment and ads is Jan 15 for Puffs.

Reach over 500 theatre supporters and families in Acworth. The high-quality programs have lasting exposure after performances.

Full Page
One time

Get full page ad - 5.5" x8.5" - in one program. Reach our captive audience of students, parents and friends of the theater.

Half Page
One time

Get half page ad - 5.5" x 4.25" - in one program. Reach our captive audience of students, parents and friends of the theater.

Quarter Page
One time

Get quarter page ad in one program. Can be used for Fanogram or Local Business. Reach our captive audience of students, parents and friends of the theater.